A bi-monthly meeting of Palashbari Upazila Nutrition Coordination Committee(UNCC) was held at the office room of Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) in the district today aimed at improving the nutritional status in the upazila. UNCC arranged the meeting in cooperation with Sustained Opportunities for Nutrition Governance (SONGO) Project being implemented by RDRS Bangladesh and Netherland base international development organization ICCO co-operation with the financial support of European Union. Local lawmaker Advocate Umme Kulsum Smriti attended the function and addressed it as the chief guest and upazila chairman AKM Mosed Chowdhury Bidyuit spoke at the event as the special guest while UNO Kamruzzaman presided over the meeting. At the opening of the meeting upazila health and family planning officer Dr. Anisur Rahman briefed about the activities of the UNCC side by side with presenting the overall scenario regarding nutrition in the upazila. A number of upazila level officials including senior upazila fisheries officer Prodip Roy addressed the meeting during the open discussion session. Earlier, nutrition governance adviser at icco cooperation Toufiqur Rahman made a power point presentation and said the project is being implemented at three upazilas- Sadar, Sundarganj and Fulchhari of the district. Though Palashbari upazila is not under the project command areas, as per the decision of the district nutrition coordination committee the meeting has been arranged aim to strengthen the nutritional activities in the upazila through concerted efforts and better coordination of all concerned, he added. Later, consultant of the project Afroja Bulbul presented the nutrition relating plans and policies of the present government elaborately. Lawmaker Advocate Umme Kulsum Smriti in her speeches said the government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been working relentlessly since 2009 to ensure nutrition for all citizens of the country. The country has already achieved food security under the dynamic leadership of PM Sheikh Hasina and now the government is actively considering how the quality or nutritional food is ensured for all people of the country, she added. She also sought whole hearted cooperation of all members of the committee to attain the cherished goals of the UNCC. UNO Kamruruzzaman in his concluding speeches urged the members concerned to do nutrition works properly to make the nutritional activities in the upazila a grand success in the days of ahead.