Dhaka   Sunday 09 March 2025

Promoting nutritional status through multi sectoral approach underscored

Promoting nutritional status through multi sectoral approach underscored

Speakers in a function here today underscored the need for promoting the nutritional status to the people through adopting integrated efforts of all and multi sectoral approach of the stakeholders. “Integrated efforts of all and multi sectoral approach of the stakeholders of the society is very crucial and plays significant role to make any task successful and help reach towards its destination”, they also said. They made the observations while they were addressing a bi-monthly meeting of Saghata upazila Nutrition Coordination Committee (UNCC) held at the conference room of upazila administration of the district this noon. Upazila Nutrition Coordination Committee(UNCC) organized the meeting in cooperation with Sustained opportunities for nutrition governance(SONGO)Project being implemented by Cordaid, Netherlands in partnership with RDRS Bangladesh with the financial support of European Union. Md. Zahangir Kabir, Upazila chairman, addressed the meeting as the chief guest while UNO Sarder Mostafa Shaheen presided over the meeting. The meeting was also addressed among others, by upazila health and family planning officer Dr. Rafiqul Islam, upazila agriculture officer Sadequzzaman, upazila livestock officer Md. Atiar Rahman, medical officer of upazila health complex Dr. Md. Reyad Mahmud, upazila fisheries officer Md. Emdadul Haque, upazila education office Md. Rafiqul Alam, upazila secondary education officer Md. Azizar Rahman, chairman of Saghata union parishad Mosarrof Hossain Sweet, operation lead of SONGO Project Cord aid Mostafa Nurul Islam Reza,  Nutrition Governance adviser of SONGO Project cordaid Moniruzzaman Mukul, project coordinator of SONGO-RDRS, and local consultant- multistakeholder partnership development and support of SONGO Project-Cordaid Afruja Bulbul. The speakers in their speeches emphasized for promoting nutritional activities in the upazila through active participation of all stakeholders and their integrated efforts. The UNO also sought whole hearted cooperation of all members of the committee to attain the cherished goals of the UNCC. Almost all members of the UNCC participated in the meeting spontaneously.